Performance date: 2023-07-26 at 19:30
This is the first residency of the creation process of RELAX. We are dancers, choreographers, teachers, body work practitioners and practitioners of other kinds: Csilla Nagy, Júlia Gaál, Luca Kancsó and Imre Vass all based in Budapest, Hungary. RELAX is initiated by Imre Vass.
Relaxation is a state of the body and mind where tension and anxiety are absent. Relaxation and recharging are necessary for the body to cope with everyday stress. In a relaxed state, it is possible to work with stress factors, physical and mental stiffness.
The culture of relaxation and rest is permeated by the idea of productivity, encouraging us to fill our free time with as useful and active programs as possible. Instead of resting, we often choose entertainment - remaining as active participants in the consumption cycle, actually deprived of relaxation and recharge.
In this research phase we spend time relaxation and stress. How and why are we tensed? What ways do we know or ready to discover to get in a relaxed state? What comes up when we dance or become still? Insight or trauma - shit to deal with? We investigate what is our emotional reaction to certain stressors. How do we rest, relax, digest and integrate? We are willing to locate physical and mental stiffness and blockages and playfully we push to release.
We explore bodywork techniques as well as working with improvisation and imagery, we believe in the healing power of imagination.
We invite you to come and spend time with us. We would like to share with you where we are right now in the process and curious about your thoughts, insights, stories regarding the relation of stress and relaxation.
Residency is supported by International Visegrad Fund.
The production is coproduced and supported by:
Coproduction partner: Katlan Csoport, Trafo House of Contemporary Arts
Supporters: Life Long Burning, Staféta, Budapest, NKA, EMMI, Új Előadóművészeti Alapítvány
Imre Vass is a supported artist by the Life Long Burning Creative Europe Program's Creative Crossroads program.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
The production will premier in the frames of Staféta program, announced by the Municipality of Budapest.